Friday, October 24, 2014

On Reforming the Southern Baptist Convention

       "Until the time of reformation"
       Hebrews 9:10
Over the last month or so, over two-thousand people have read this blog and close to four-thousand people have checked my profile on google since I relaunched my "Theologian X Blog." I know this because my blog has tracking technology that I use to to see who is checking this blog out.     
As I move forward with this blog, it is important to let my new readers know that I often use humor, cultural references and hyperbole to make my points. This not your run of the mill evangelical blog. I use a lot of images and references from popular music and cinema to illustrate certain concepts. I grew up listening to popular music and watching multitudes of popular films. This is the reason why I often place the lyrics to songs and photos of different movie posters and images on this blog on a pretty constant basis.
Because so many new people are reading this blog, I think it is important that I introduce myself in some capacity to my reading audience. My name is Lee Edward Enochs. I grew up in a non-Christian family in Southeastern Michigan and came of age in the 1980's and 1990's. I am not going to lie to you, I love alternative rock bands like, "The Smiths," "Nirvana" and "U2." I will constantly make references to 1980's and 1990's music and films.

While I was exposed to the gospel at a very young age, I do not think I became a Christian until I was a teenager. At some point a year or two after high school, I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and repented of my sins.
After becoming a Christian, I moved to Southern California where I lived for over twenty years. There in my beloved Golden State, I became heavily involved in evangelism and apologetics and was the founder and director of the Evangelical Debate Society, a Christian ministry dedicated to the promotion of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the promotion of Christian Apologetics. I was involved in several high level academic debates with atheists, agnostics and other non-Christian groups.
Because I believed that higher education was necessary to go farther in my apologetics ministry, I decided to go back to school and I attended Southwestern Baptist Thological Seminary down in Fort Worth, Texas. I am now a graduate student in Princeton, New Jersey.
While at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, I became greatly alarmed at the anti-Calvinist rhetoric of Paige Patterson and his followers and was very disappointed with much of what I heard him say in chapel and around campus about Calvinism and the Reformed Faith.
Before coming to Southwestern, I spent most of my life in Southern California so I was not familar with the ways of fundamentalist Southern Baptist culture. I was greatly appalled at much of what I saw at Southwestern and the Southern Baptist Convention down South, and believe the SBC needs major reform in the way it articulates Christianity to the secular world.
While I am generally very conservative in my theological outlook, I am not a fan of the "Conservative Resurgence" led by Paige Patters and his followers.
In the days ahead, I plan to say a lot about my time at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and about the Southern Baptist Convention.
This blog will be hard hitting, edgy, relevant and will pull no punches in getting to the truth. I will not stop blogging to appease those who don't like this sort of thing and want me to conform to the Southern Baptist leadership.
I am an Evangelical Christian and believe in the authority, inspiration and inerrance of the Bible with all my heart and believe in all the essential doctrinal truths of the historic Christian faith.
This blog will be dedicated to reforming the SBC and American evangelicalism in general.

Here I stand, so help me God. I can do no other.

                                    You can contact me by posting a comment at the end of these blog posts
                                      or email me at:


                                               Sincerely in Christ,

                                                     Lee Edward Enochs
                                                     (Theologian X)

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