Why I have
been blogging and taking bold positions
by Lee Edward "Ed" Enochs
by Lee Edward "Ed" Enochs
Throughout the annals of human
history there have been certain individuals who have “thought outside the box”
and have pushed the human race forward with innovative thinking and bold
actions. The limits of time and space prohibit me from chronicling in depth for
you the prodigious mental and physical efforts of these unique transformative
individuals who have radically altered the course of human history.
However, pick an era of world
history and you will see a bold woman or man who dared to challenge conventional
wisdom and the prevailing outlook of their times. Whether it was Confucius,
Martin Luther, John Calvin, Amelia Earhart, M.K. Gandhi, Albert Einstein,
Winston Churchill, Stephen Hawking, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Theresa or
Steve Jobs, these bold pioneers of human history pushed us forward and changed
our world for the better and forever. As I grow older and the time of my
departure from this earthly sphere draws near, I have decided to buck the conventional Evangelical and suburban American wisdom and actually attempt to make a difference in this great big world we live in. I believe there is more to human existence than making a bunch of money so I can live in a big mansion and take luxury cruises to the Bahamas’ and live out the rest of my days in a mundane suburban existence.
I want to radically change the world and in
this era of specialization, I realize now that I cannot change the world in
every area, so I have decided to focus on a few important matters of importance
to human existence. I have come to believe, after decades of “wilderness
wandering” and contemplation about what contributions I can make for the
betterment of collective society, I have come to believe that I want to be
known as an individual who stood, with great vehemence, for human autonomy and
personal freedom. That is, I want to stand for our right as human beings to be
our own decision makers in the world of politics, economics and religion. I
want to stand for a brand of conservatism that stresses fiscal and personal
independence from church and state.
I have come to believe that pure libertarianism, the belief that
human freedom and liberty from external control is the principle objective of
human existence. I have come to believe that our personal autonomy and freedom
of choice in the areas of economics, politics and religion is the very thing
that all of us need to be truly authentic human beings. The maximization of our
personal freedom and autonomy from government control and tyranny is my primary
reason for existence. It is my mission statement and the reason why I live,
move and have my being. I want us to be truly free that we might live, succeed and
worship God without being controlled by anything but the dictates of our own conscience.
This is why I have been blogging
and shooting these odd little videos, I am on the verge of launching myself
into the world of ideas and the public arena. I want us to give libertarianism
and true freedom a choice. I do not want to be controlled or regulated by the
state or any given religion. This is my stand, for freedom and for autonomy
from external control.
I have come under the sway of freedom and have become
drunk on the wine of liberty. My goal is for the maximization of our autonomy
from government and religious coercion and control. I believe for women and men
to be truly free we must take a stand and free ourselves from dependence on
anyone but ourselves. Give me liberty or give me death. Let her or him who has
ears let them hear! I know that very few people take me seriously now, but what the heck! Maybe something will happen and by the grace of God, I will change the world. The world has been changed by dreamers that few believed in during their lifetimes, but now their ideas rule the world!
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