(A Libertarian Take on Obama's Progressive Policies and Agenda)
by Lee Edward Enochs
Princeton Conservative Club
I think I need to be clear on something as we move forward, people. Contrary to some individual's opinion of me and my views, I am far, far from being a liberal and progressive on political matters. in fact, I am more conservative on most things than most Republicans, so I think a restatement of my views on liberalism is needed. I want to make this as clear as possible to everyone that reads this blog, listens to "The Lee Enochs Show" (America's Most Controversial Podcast) and watches my renegade Libertarian videos, that I am a life-long conservative, and I plan to stay that way.
I just spent time reading over Obama's 2015 State of the Union Speech word for word, and while it should come to no surprise to the readers of my blog and the followers of my various podcasts and videos, that I, as a decided Libertarian Conservative, am just not a fan of Barack Obama's liberal policies.
Last night's speech was more of the same rhetoric he has given over the last six years. He once again appealed to his liberal base without extending the slightest attempt of an olive branch to the victorious Republican Party, that Americans voted back into power, largely because many, many American's have become disillusioned with Obama and the Democrats vision for America.
Many Americans are still out of work largely because Mr. Obama's collectivist policies are impeding economic growth and entrepreneurship throughout the United States. Obama's speech once again appealed to his liberal base and did not address the concerns of many Americans, such as the national debt that now sits at over $18,050,141,307,767.49 dollars (which amounts to over $56,000 dollars for every American).
I for one, hoped that President Obama would unite the country with his inspiring oratorical ability and personal biography. Unlike most conservatives in the this country, I greatly respect the President and am impressed with how far he has ascended despite his challenging upbringing.
I like the sound of some of the policies Obama pushed for last night. I especially liked his comments about the validity of community colleges. I received an outstanding education at a few different community colleges along the way, and would not be where I am today without this great avenue of inexpensive education. I am just concerned about the massive price tag that universal community college education will bring to an already crippled US economy.
I personally believe Obama has failed as a President and failed in his speech last night, because he in incapable of compromising with the Republican Party. Obama will not set aside his progressive agenda to unite the country.
I believe the President needs to be constantly reminded that in 2012, only 58% of those eligible to vote, did in fact pull the lever for any Presidential candidate. Also, Mr. Obama seems to be oblivious to the fact that 60,933,500 sentient people voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential election.
What this means is that Obama hardly has a mandate to ram his big government agenda down the throats of the American people. The recent thrashing the Democrats experienced in the mid-term elections demonstrates that the majority of Americans have rejected Obama and the Democrats vision for America.
For Mr. Obama to reverse course and actually do something constructive and the good for all Americans in his final two years of lame duck presidential service, he must be willing to meet the Republican Party leadership half-way on some pieces of legislation. Right now, Mr. Obama is the most polarizing President in recent memory.
It is time for Mr. Obama to meet the Republican majority at some half-way point. If not, he should just step aside and let the Republicans lead, because the GOP will most certainly not allow Obama to ram his policies through congress like his did his affordable health care act.
Once again, I respect President Obama and am impressed with his personal biography. I just wish he would meet the Republicans half-way on some piece of legislation.
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