Going Rogue for the Sake of the Gospel
I was born to cause a lot of theological trouble in the Evangelical and Southern Baptist world, so let the games begin. You cannot reason or negotiate with me. I am the proverbial "Dark Night of American Evangelicalism." I am a vigilante of Evangelical theology, the scourge and bane of the Southern Baptist and Evangelical elitist status quo.
Although I went to some of American Evangelicalism's and the Southern Baptist Convention's best academic institutions, I have been cast out forever as a brazen rebel...
My mission is clear, to cause the complete theological and ideological upheaval of American Evangelicalism and the Southern Baptist Convention, and I am just beginning.
In about a month, I will be releasing a book that chronicles my horrific time at a Southern Baptist school down in Texas. In this book, entitled, "Southern Baptist Blues." I will discuss a crisis and how a particular faction within the Southern Baptist Convention is greatly impeding the SBC's ability to minister authentically in our postmodern world.
My time in this Southern Baptist school has shown me my true mission in life; to see total and lasting Biblical Reformation occur throughout the SBC and the broader Evangelical world.
Through writing, blogging, promoting videos and calling for reform throughout American Evangelicalism and the SBC, I want to see authentic change occur. I see myself as a postmodern Martin Luther type, going rogue for the sake of the gospel and authentic Christianity.
Like Martin Luther, John Calvin and the other magisterial leaders of the Protestant Reformation, I believe we are justified by grace alone, through faith in Christ alone, based on the authority of the Bible alone, for the glory of God alone. I also believe that while our justifcation and ultimate salvation by God is a work of God's grace alone, good works will be the natural by-product of true saving faith.
My "good works" for the sake of Christianity, is to see Biblical and authentic revival and reformation occur through the Southern Baptist Convention and contemporary American Evangelicalism.
You cannot reason with me. You cannot bargin with me, you cannot appease or bribe me. You cannot steal or rob from me, because all that was precious to me, has already been taken from me.
I am resigned to my fate as a brazen rebel. I am a theological outcast, a vigilante for change throughout American Evangelicalism.
My name is Lee Edward Enochs and I am "Theologian X."
I am the Dark Night of American Evangelicalism. I am going rouge that truth and justice might reign in the church once more...
Theologian X rises...
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