Friday, February 6, 2015

Saying No to Rick Perry's Foolish Presidential Aspirations

Recently, I read an news article that reported that former three-term Texas Governor Rick Perry is all but decided to run for the GOP Presidential nomination next year. While I am a Republican who spend close to a decade down in the Lone Star State, I do not believe Perry has what it takes to be the Republican nominee, nor is he what America needs at this particular juncture in our storied nation's history. 

Don't get me wrong, I personally  like Rick Perry. I think he is good at what he does; rallying and galvanizing conservatives around particular issues such as Immigration and States' Rights. However, as his much befuddled and weak attempt at winning the Republican nomination the last time demonstrates, you must be more than a one-trick pony to play in the big leagues. Unfortunately, Rick Perry has demonstrated conclusively that he will never be a ready for prime-time player.

In fact, it is often very painful to see Rick attempt to articulate his views and he often losing his place while doing so. I am not sure why he thinks he can be better this time. While Rick has a conservative state and much money behind him, I am just not convinced he is capable of the job.

Will some better candidates for the Republican nomination for President please stand up?

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