Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why the Evangelical Church Needs Rob Bell

   Former Mars Hill pastor Rob Bell has made international news again recently while expressing his views on same sex relationships and how he believes the Evangelical church is "moments away from accepting gay marriage."

While I am not sure what to think about gay marriage from a theological perspective, as a Libertarian who believes that all Americans should have the same basic rights safeguarded to us by the US Constitution, I generally concur with Bell on this matter.

I think the gay marriage issue in America is a moot point and will be the law of the land  after the US Supreme Court decided upon it this year.

My basic position on gay marriage is that I am very much for a small and limited government that does not intrude on our personal freedoms. I also do not believe the government should try to interfere with how consenting adults choose to express their love for one another. I do not want the government sticking it's nose and long arm into my pocketbook and bedroom and want to afford that same right of privacy and human autonomy to every single American irrespective of their gender identity and sexual preference.

I know full well that my view is controversial within American Evangelicalism. Trust me. I know full well. Almost every day over the last four months I have received a phone call or email from an outraged Evangelical or fundamentalist Southern Baptist pastor over my views, and have had ample time to think my views over.

I agree with Rob Bell that the gay marriage issue is a done deal in America and will be the law of the land.

While I do not agree with Rob Bell on every issue, such as his views on hell and the afterlife, I respect his boldness and willingness to take risks. I also love Rob Bell's creativity and innovative manner in the way he communicates his views. I love how Rob Bell wants to be relevant to contemporary secular culture, a big aim of my own.

I also agree with Rob Bell, that all too often, Evangelicals have been mean spirited and have turned away secular people from the church and this is very unfortunate. I am not sure if this is what Jesus would do.

I believe American Evangelicals need Rob Bell, but are they willing to listen?

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