Monday, December 8, 2014

I Don't Care About George Bush's Socks

    Time for the Republican Party to 
Stop Playing Preppy Games and Make a Difference

    I'm Sorry my Republican and conservative friends, I just don't care about George Bush's socks. I know I am crushing dreams and bucking a national trend here and that George H.W. Bush's socks are being peddled on eBay, the National Review, the Republican National Committee for a good cause (I guess). Hopefully they are not being sold just to make another rich white dude just a little bit richer.

I am sorry if that seems a little crass and insensitive. And don't get me wrong, I am a life-long conservative and voted for Bush and Son every time they were on the Presidential ballot.

However, my dear, dear conservative friends, there are just more important things going on in America than buying George W. Bush's socks on the Home Shopping Network. Come on folks, Ferguson is burning, the people of New York City are up in arms about the Eric Garner case and here we are hawking George Bush's socks on eBay!

This is part of the problem my Republican friends. In the same way that the Roman Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome was burning, we are fiddling away out hard fought victories in the House and Senate while America is on fire and verge of collapse. 

There are infinitely bigger problems facing our party, the conservative movement in America and the entire country in general then concerning ourselves with petty and stupid things like George Bush's  argyle socks.

We have Obamacare to overturn and a national deficit spiraling out of control and endangering our future. We have ISIS to defeat and the problem of global terrorism to be concerned with. We have just no more time to spend on preppy foot accessories.

Maybe this is why we have lost the last two Presidential elections.  Maybe we are out of touch with the concerns of the average rank and file people that actually live, work and die in America. 

Maybe we need to start facing the reality that the Republican Party and conservative movement in the United Stated states seems like the party and movement for rich white people and appears threatening to many people across the country.

I know it's Christmas time folks, but please don't hate me if I play the Grinch and tell you that I just don't give a flying rip about George Bush's socks.

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