Sunday, February 15, 2015

Creeds and Confessions

 Recently I have been challenged by many Evangelical pastors and other self-appointed fundamentalist gatekeepers to "return back to the Christian faith." I am not sure how to respond to this constant nagging, since in my estimation, I have never left the historic Christian faith. I believe in all the historic and ecumenical creeds and confessions of Christianity. I believe in the Trinity, justification by grace alone and all the other essential doctrinal truths of Evangelicalism as well. 

I am not sure what more I can say folks. I believe in Christ and hold to all the Creeds and Confessions of Christianity. I believe in Jesus and like to play the devil's advocate most of the time. If you do not know that I am goofing around most of the time with these wild posts and videos, I suggest you stop your self-mortification and self-mollification and enjoy life a little more. Try having fun and stop sucking the marrow of humor out of life, it's very dull.

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