Thursday, February 19, 2015

On those 21 Coptic Christians Killed by ISIS

   I have very little time to write on this today. I am so busy with grad school and my job that I often do not have time to edit these blog posts and that bothers me.

 I had planned on writing some more on why I think Rob Bell is needed in American Evangelicalism today, but my conscience is very bothered and my heart is heavy about those 21 Coptic Christians who murdered by ISIS the other day.

You see as a Libertarian, I have major problems with American intervention in the affairs of a sovereign nation. I do not like government intrusion in my life or any other life for that matter. I do not believe the 2003 invasion of Iraq was morally justified. 

I recently read a peer reviewed report put out by John Hopkins University that states that over 900,000 Iraqi citizens were killed by America in that last campaign and it greatly outrages and sickens me. Because of this, I do not want to see us fight any more unjust and unnecessary wars for oil profit again.

Having said this, I am not a pacifist and do believe there will be times where the United States will have to defend herself and her allies. After much contemplation and internal dialog with myself over this issue. My conscience is bothered by what ISIS is doing and now believe we must go after them with everything we have. We must now crush ISIS to spare human lives. It is that simple. 

My heart is saddened by the great loss of life ISIS is causing in the Middle East and believe we have no other recourse but to end their reign of terror immediately. I now stand behind President Obama and the US Congress and pray that we go after ISIS will full force and bring them to justice at once.

I am writing this out of love for the 21 Coptic Christian brothers who were killed recently by ISIS and for the other people were murdered by this heinous group. It is time to light them up like the 4th of July. Let justice be swift.

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