Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why NBC's Brian Williams Must Resign

                        The NBC Nightly News Anchor Lied for Many Years About Major Event

Breaking News!  This is just in! NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams blockbuster confession that he was not in fact aboard a helicopter that was hit and forced down by rapid RPG fire during America's invasion of Iraq in 2003. This is sensational news since Williams has a reputation as a brave man with the utmost integrity. However, his entire account was a fabricated lie that has been repeated and hyped to legendary status by NBC for over a decade.

Please see this NPR report on this major issue involving Brian Williams:

This is very similar to Hilary Clinton's claim that she came under direct gunfire in Bosnia when she did not in fact under go anything close. Some are calling for Williams to resign due to his blatant dishonesty regarding the event. What is even more glaring is that Williams' was compelled to confess this lie due to an actual soldier who was in fact in downed helicopter.

Williams probably should resign his post as the anchor of NBC news since his credibility has been eviscerated and based largely on his legendary participation in a war event that did not in fact occur anything like what Williams said took place in 2003. 

On a personal note, this greatly bothers me because there are many true war heroes that never get proper credit. This is simply not cool and reminds me of a certain swift boat officer who may or may have overstated his service record during Vietnam.

I spend a lot of time criticizing conservatives on this blog and my podcasts, but I will not undermine the service record of our American soldiers. Many liberals in the news media criticized our involvement in Iraq. Williams must know that his credibility has been demolished by those who love and respect the American military. 

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