Saturday, November 29, 2014

On Drones, Planes and Automobiles

 A Call for a Libertarian Revolution 

 (The American Government is Invading Your Privacy and Spying on You)

      By Lee Edward Enochs
Executive Director,
             Conservatives for California 

“But examine everything carefully, hold fast to the truth”
                               1 Thessalonians 5:21


Once upon a time there was a great Archangel. He was the greatest of all of God’s angels until he started to break bad and was thrust out of heaven and from the majestic presence of the Lord of glory. In the process he took a third of the angels with him. When Lucifer fell, he fell hard and when he spiraled from his lofty position, tumbling and stumbling to the earth, he thought of diverse ways to enslave men and women (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:13-19, Luke 10:18, 2 Peter 2:4 and Revelation 12:9).
 Of all the dastardly plans the devil has concocted for humanity to do his diabolical bidding, one of the most perverse strategies was for him to convince a great portion of the world’s populace to believe that they are servants to the State.That is, they have bought into the fallacious thesis of known as Statism (the view that the state should control social, economic and political activity in a given society) that they exist to be subservient to professed elite class of individuals who run the governments of this world. A “State” is an organized community living under one government. 

They have bought into the lie that we exist to serve the State and that everything we own create and aspire to do and be is a possession of the State. To quote Morpheus’s verbal discourse to Neo in the Wachowski’s cinematic masterpiece known as The Matrix, you are a slave if you believe that you exist to serve the self-appointed "elite" few.

You are a slave if you believe a self-appointed "elite" few should control your life

You must realize that there are authoritarian political forces at work right now in the United States that actually believe that it is in your best interest that they control every aspect of your life. They want to subjugate you through social control. The elite few want to control your speech, thought, movements, money and essentially every aspect of your life. Right now, the government has the ability via drones to spy on your every move. The American government also has deemed it necessary to tap into your cell phone calls, bank account and essentially every other area of your life. We are being spied on, herded like chattel and assaulted by the very government we voted in to “protect” and serve us.
Case in point, most of us have bought into the absolute lie that to ensure our safety we must be groped, probed and physically assaulted by the TSA every time we want to fly via commercial airlines. This is another form of social control. There is no evidence that the TSA’s efforts are doing anything but shaming us silly at the airport each and every time we travel. As a Libertarian, who believes in the maximization of human autonomy and freedom from the State's control, I greatly disdain and protest this government intrusion into our personal lives and will fight against it to my last dying breath.
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees and a slave and pawn to an elite ruling class who think they know what is best for me rather than I myself. Like many lovers of freedom, I want to live free or die without drones spying on me and the TSA groping me every freaking time I travel by plane. I am calling for a Libertarian revolution against the encroachment of the moribund American government upon our civil liberties. I am calling for all those who want to live free of government control to join me against big brother. If you are bemused by this blog and think I am joking, just do a little research and see how much the government knows about you…

People of these United States, rise up and be free of government intrusion and control! 

Rise up and be free! Live free and die hard!

Imagine a Libertarian revolution; it’s easy if you try.


Lee Edward Enochs is the Executive Director of Conservatives for California, A conservative and libertarian political group dedicated to election of conservative political candidates and the revival of conservatism in the great state of California. Lee is also the Chairman of the Evangelical Debate Society and has served as the President of the Southwestern Apologetics Group. He earned a B.A. in Humanities from the College at Southwestern, the undergraduate program of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently a student at Princeton Theological Seminary, located in central New Jersey. You can follow Lee right here on his “Theologian X” blog and write to him at

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