Monday, November 17, 2014

Thoughts on Health Care in America

                              My struggle with Obamacare                               


Being in a academic area like Princeton, NJ has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I want to be the best scholar I possibly can be and to be a graduate student here is an awesome opportunity for me. However, my conservatism on certain issues causes me problems at times.

With the recent mid-term election success of the GOP, have come calls from certain conservatives to attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). I am one of them. While I do not often meet eye to eye with many Republicans and social conservatives, I am opposed to Obamacare on many, many levels. 

While I believe the health care situation in America is very messed up, I believe Obama and the Democrats went about making Obamacare the law of the land in a very divisive and coercive manner.

 While I think there has to be radical changes in the way people receive health care in America, I believe it needs to be done with bipartisan support from both Republicans and Democrats (And independents and people outside the two-party system).  

I am just not supportive of big government and want to least amount of government interference in my personal life. Obamacare sticks government into my personal life on a level I am not at all comfortable with.

This is where my political libertarianism factors in. As I have grown older, I have come to believe that the answers to our problems do not come from government intrusion, regulation and more economic coercion. My personal philosophy is that the more bureaucracy the less personal freedom. I want to live free and die hard without the big brother of secular government attempting to regulate my every move in life. I believe in optimum freedom.

I will have much more to say about health care in the future...

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