Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I will not tolerate racism or homophobia

Recently I was on a Facebook page that deals with political issues. I almost literally and physically threw up just now when I saw a racist cartoon beyond anything I could have ever conceived of. As I started looking at these groups closely, I am starting to notice that there are some militant racists proliferating the internet. It sickens me and bothers me to no end. I am heartbroken and deeply troubled by any form of discrimination against women, minorities, the elderly, the poor, LGBT people and any other group.

I am crushed beyond belief that my eyes actually saw such evil. I may have to reconsider my political affiliation if this means that being a conservative and Libertarian means tolerating racists and homophobes. I want to go down on public record that I support gay, lesbian and transgendered rights with great passion. I am a feminist and do not support any form of racist behavior in any manner.

So, on social issues I am very, very liberal. On race issues the same. On theology and views of economics, I am conservative. I do not know how to describe my mixed bag of divergent views and thought Libertarianism was the best possible fit for me. I could have been wrong, since if being a "Libertarian" means toleration of evil people who say and post bad things about different minorities and the LGBT community, then, maybe it is time to reconsider my affiliation and join the ranks of the independents or far left of the Democratic Party (and that's not happening!).

I stand for justice for all Americans and will not tolerate racism, discrimination and homophobia in my presence ever.

Sincerely in Jesus,
Lee Edward Enochs
"Theologian X"


  1. (If this comment appears twice, sorry about that)

    Libertarianism has to do with the right to use one's own property without being forced or threatened with force by any other person, including governments. That is about it. Everything else flows from there. Every instance of aggression against the person and property of the individual is to be considered criminal; and wherever no aggression has been committed, there has also been no crime in the legal sense.

    Thus, libertarianism does not require one to be "liberal" on social issues. I personally am conservative on these social issues in that I believe that all instances of homosexuality and the like are morally wrong and a stench in God's nostrils. My libertarianism is displayed in the fact that I believe it wrong for the government to aggress against these people. But in my freedom to speak the truth, I will not refrain from expressing my beliefs about sexual immorality.

    If you are "very, very liberal" on social issues, you can still be a libertarian, since libertarianism primarily has to do with aggression and private property. But you should not assume that all libertarians necessarily agree with your liberalism. For the record, I am not a homophobe, because I am not "scared" of homosexuals; and neither am I a racist, because I deny that there is one race that is morally superior than others in the sight of God. But the same can be said of the great majority of conservatives today; namely, they aren't racists as I defined it and neither are they homophobes.

    I just wanted to clarify what "libertarianism" is so that, if you subscribe to the libertarian system, you have a better idea of what you are communicating about your political theory.

    --C.Jay Engel

    1. Oh, and I have no clue who you were talking about, so I'm not out to defend anybody or any cartoon. Just wanted to clarify what libertarianism is:)
