Friday, January 23, 2015

The Blair Rich Project

Socialism is real murder if implemented

"It was really scary out there, he took from those who earned their wealth, and gave it to those who would not lift a finger to work nor deserved it."

In the mid-1970's, the dynamic and debonaire Dr. Blair Richfield, Jr. was a virtual fiscal supernova and proverbial "economics god," winning historic award after award and innumerable accolades from the liberal intelligentsia and collectivist academic elite for his erudite and innovative defense of statist socialism and Keynesian economic policy. His Ph.D dissertation from M.I.T., was entitled, “Why Americans Need to Give all their Money to those who won't work and don't Deserve it,”(German: Warum Amerikaner müssen ihr ganzes Geld für diejenigen, die nicht arbeiten und verdiene es nicht geben) was featured on the cover of both TIME, Newsweek, sat alone on the top of the New York Times best sellers list for a solid fifteen weeks.  

His Excellency, Pope John Paul II thought so highly of Blair’s socialist treatise, he had it translated into, 23 different languages. The Italian version, “Perché gli americani devono dare tutto il loro denaro a coloro che non funziona e non lo meritano,” sold 14 million copies and is still the basis for socialist theory for the Green Party throughout Europe and Latin America.

Richfield, a former child prodigy, earned advanced degrees from Yale University and the London School of Economics before his 21st birthday, was riding high, partying with the likes of, David Frost, Malcolm Forbes and Henry Kissinger, and blowing through kilos of cocaine and women at studio 54 like there was no tomorrow.  Some say Bill Clinton was part of these booze and sex-filled escapades, but that is a damned lie and part of the "vast right wing conspiracy." The word on the mean streets of Cambridge, MA and at Harvard, where he chaired the seat of economics, is that he barely showed up to class and forced his graduate assistant to teach the bulk of his classes, yet received all the credit. 

However, when he did manage to grace his students with his presence and was not on The Phil Donahue Show or a Norman Lear special television show, championing elitist collectivism, he would not tolerate the slightest disagreement from conservative students in his classes. He was one of the beautiful people now, with a mega-watt smile and personality that could charm the most hardened skeptic of his neo-Marxist ideological reference point, there was even talk of Richfield being Jimmy Carter's vice-presidential nominee. These were most heady days for a man about town like Blair Richfield. Outside Barack Obama, there has never been a man in American history that has done so little to earn the respect of the media elite like the "champagne supernova" Blair Richfield, Jr. Both men and women fawned over him like he was the fifth member of the Beatles.

However, this all changed in 1976, when Richfield's unwarranted fiscal policies caused New York City's epic financial collapse and when conservative economist Milton Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for simultaneously and decisively refuting socialism and Keynesian economic policy. Without notice or the fanfare he had grown accustomed to in more heady days, Blair Richfield, Jr. simply disappeared. 

Some say he went down to Peru to grow peyote and implement totalitarian Marxism upon the servile and subjugated masses there. Still others say, Richfield vanished like a ghost into the deep woods, headed towards Western, Massachusetts, about ten miles outside of Harvard's Cambridge campus. Some in the know, say that Blair Richfield or "Daddy Rich" still lives in these dark woods. Some say he has been reduced to reading the National Review and living out the rest of his days, as a half-man, half-beast like creature, only to appear when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's staff needed advice on failed economics. 

Here, I am, the wild Libertarian on the run from the C.I.A. This time I find myself in the woods leading towards Western Massachusetts, where I am fighting for my life and encounter the paranormal phenomena others have called, "The Blair Rich Project." Blair Rich took what was hard earned and gave it to those who would not work for it nor deserved it.

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